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DSCH med stor internasjonal suksess

29. og 30. juni fremførte Det Norske Kammerorkester, under ledelse av kunstnerisk leder Pekka Kuusisto, to forestillinger av konsertteateret DSCH i den prestisjetunge Queen Elizabeth Hall i London. Begge forestillingene ble møtt med fulle hus og entusiastisk applaus fra publikum, og vekket stor interesse fra internasjonal presse. 

Her har vi samlet anmeldelser av forestillingen DSCH i London.


Den britiske avisen The Times skrev:

“In several ways this was a remarkable show ... The production was technically seamless. So much could have gone wrong, but nothing did, while the interaction and finesse of the peripatetic musicians, only partly guided by Pekka Kuusisto’s characterful violin, was phenomenal.”

Konserten ble belønnet med fem stjerner av musikknettstedet The Arts Desk:

"Visually stunning, viscerally thrilling Shostakovich ... The considerable demands that it imposes on the musicians, not just musically but also physically, means that it is unlikely to have imitators any time soon. All the more reason to rush to see it whenever you have the opportunity, to experience it in all its beguiling, fiercely intelligent originality. A searing triumph."

The Telegraph skrev følgende om konserten:

"Despite having to double up as dancers and actors, the musicians played with intense concentration and expressivity. As a co-ordinated spectacle, it was beyond praise—but that was actually a problem. We were whirled along irresistibly from one fragment to the next, but much of the music the musicians played had a gravity and seriousness that demanded to be savoured in full."

Fiona Maddocks for The Guardians søndagsavis, The Observer, skrev:

""This was one of the most unusual and inventive concerts of the year so far." 


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