Foto: Det Norske Kammerorkester
Kornstad goes to the opera
Sunday 28 February 7pm
Norwegian Opera and Ballett
This concert is included in the following subscription series:
Total series
Terje Tønnesen artistic leader
Håkon Kornstad tenor sax / tenor
Frode Haltli accordion
Mats Eilertsen bass
Works by Bartók, Grieg, Tosti and Strauss
Håkon Kornstad one of our most sought-after jazz musicians, with a solid international careeer. He was already enjoying a successful career as a jazz saxophonist, when he decided to take up opera singing. Since then, he has paved a way to his unique musical world, where he moves effortlessly between his tenor sax and mellifluous vocal while combining two vastly different musical expressions.
Our collaboration with Kornstad Trio has born fruit over the past years, and this time, we take it to the main stage at the Opera House. An experience that can be exhilarating for any singer, and perhaps for the saxophonist also?
Ticket sales for this concert starts on 5th May.