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Photo: Bård Gundersen


Klubb Klassisk // Glass, Reich and the New

Fri 23 October 8:00pm

Marmorsalen, Sentralen

This concert is included in the following subscription series:

Total series

Pekka Kuusisto artistic leader / violin
Norwegian Chamber Orchestra




Bryce Dessner  Ornament and Crime

Johann Sebastian Bach  Brandenburg Concerto No. 3

Johann Sebastian Bach  Concerto for two violins, BWV 1043 

Steve Reich  Clapping Music

Nico Muhly Excerpt from Drones and Violin 

Philip Glass  Mishima for String Orchestra

On this Klubb Klassisk evening, the musicians of the NCO under the direction of violinist Pekka Kuusisto present a specially selected programme juxtaposing two American minimalists, Philip Glass and Steve Reich, with two major heirs to minimalism, Nico Muhly and Bryce Dessner. The programme also includes Bach’s Double Concerto which creates the musical tension the NCO is well-known for. A must-see concert, especially with our new artistic director Pekka Kuusisto at ease in a sound universe he thrives on.

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